About Us

TSL was established in 1984 as a supplier of maintenance services and utilities. Since its very beginning the firm has offered processes and equipment that are the most modern and reliable available.
We have provided off shore maintenance works since 1993, and setting up our operations depot at Macae north of Rio de Janeiro proved to be a focus for our main activities.
Off shore maintenance activities demand the highest levels of planning, logistics and operational management, aspects of business to which TSL responds in the following ways:
- By providing a wide range of specialist services with modern equipment such as cleaning and blanketing of vessels, columns, etc. surface preparation by water jetting and effluent treatment of contaminated fluids.
- A shore based maintenance team is in constant readiness for emergencies, ready to embark at any time to off shore locations and attend the clients’ needs during twenty-four hours of the day and for seven days of the week.
- Our maintenance teams have been extensively trained in the use of all types of necessary machines, tools and equipment.
- Our main office in São Paulo provides quick and effective procurement for necessary materials and equipment.
In 1997 TSL expanded its activities to environmental projects by setting up JVs with a number of companies from Europe and USA as well as developing its own wastewater treatment processes for use in the petroleum industry.
There was a further step forward in the year 2000 when we began treating solid wastes and contaminated soils, which entails removal, processing and final treatment by conventional methods such as thermal desorption, incineration and biopiling.

- State of the art technology in waste treatment;
- Market leader in Brazil for hazardous waste treatment;
- Global business company.
- Business ethics of the highest standards;
- Recognition of good technology;
- Responsibility for the quality of services provided;
- Responsibility for safety and environmental wellbeing;
- Once taken on a job must be well done;
- Concern and attention for the well being of our employees.
- To offer solutions best suited to the task in hand;
- To apply an appropriate technology;
- To strive for excellence in every sector of the company’s activity;
- To maintain environmental protection and sustainability.
- Our team identifies itself with the client’s expectations and objectives;
- Careful planning and management with respect to logistics and operations;
- To guarantee total quality in the supply of services and equipment;
- To maintain the highest standards of operational safety;
- TSL respects and cares for its own and its clients’ equipment and property;
- Personnel training to improve process skills and productivity;
- An ongoing worldwide search for appropriate technology;
- To undertake process R&D when existing solutions do not meet a client’s needs and/or environmental standards;
- To keep up a working relationship with universities and research centres in Brazil and overseas.
- Collaboration for drafting and development of environmental legislation;
- Care for the natural environment is TSL’s core business.
TSL operates under a HSE Program and has its established procedures according to an Integrated Management Policy, which is shown its commitment to service quality, the preservation of the environment and the safety of all its employees.
The TSL's Code of Ethics sets out the principles adopted by the company internally and in its relations with third parties.
It also presents the ethical behavior expected from every employees, own or outsourced, in carrying out their activities in the TSL, to maintain the standard of quality of its services, thus helping to preserve the company's image and keep up the concept that TSL has received of its customers, for its performance.
TSL also has an Integrity Program in accordance with the Brazilian Law No. 12,846 / 2013 and its regulations, known as the Anti-Corruption Act or Clean Company Law instituted in Brazil administrative and civil objective liability of legal entities.