Water Jetting

High pressure and ultra high pressure water jetting
Industrial cleaning with water jets uses pumps capable of pressures from 5.000 to 40.000 psi as well as special attachments to suit particular jobs, maximizing efficiency of high pressure water jetting.
TSL is well qualified to undertake cleaning in hazardous (classified) locations. The company’s equipment is built to appropriate standards with explosion proof components as recommended by the “Guidelines for Liquid Sprayers” (USA) and DIN No. 24295.
Our HP pumps (electric motor drives) can operate with seawater; they are skid mounted within maritime enclosures, shockproof and able to withstand exposure to wind and waves of offshore and any onshore environment.
TSL has, over the years, developed its own processes and techniques appropriate to the following water jetting applications:
- Cleaning and de-coking boiler tubes, refinery ovens and industrial/petrochem piping of any size.
- Pre-programmed cleaning of inside and/or externals of heat exchangers.
- Cleaning process vessels, columns, reactors, risers, distillation and cooling towers.
- Robotic cleaning and treatment of residues from lagoons, waste treatment dumps, effluents, deposits and waste from API separators and biological treatment systems.
- Cleaning grids and gratings as used in painting booths for automobile manufacture.
- Structural cleaning and offshore petroleum rigs.
- Cleaning courtyards and similar areas.

Surface preparation prior to industrial painting using water jetting at super high pressures
This surface treatment removes layers of damaged and imperfect painting as a preparation for other surface coatings or simply for re-painting.
The use of very high pressures in water jetting is capable of giving metal surfaces a quality of SA2 ½ and SA3 as per work specification.
TSL handles the generated waste in an environmentally correct manner, and, if required, can furnish a certificate for the final destruction of the subject waste.
TSL is equipped to carry out this process of surface preparation in hazardous locations. Relevant machinery used is built using explosion proof components and satisfies both the safety standards DIN 24295 and the American standard Guidelines for Liquid Sprayers.
- High quality surface attained that are free of contaminant salts
- Quality as per SA2 ½ and SA3
- Water jetting is a flexible process allowing for removal of separate paint coats or total removal, whichever is best suited to the job.
- The resulting surfaces are clean, dry and ready for applying a new coating.
- There is no dust or powder present.
- It is unnecessary to protect other machines and equipment in the vicinity nor to close off the working area.
- Workers are not exposed to toxic substances.
- Performance and productivity compare favourably with conventional processes.
- Low water consumption.